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Latest Tenders

Tamil Nadu Tenders

Bid Value : INR NO

Bid Before : 2024-10-19

4 Days to go

  • Ministry Of Railways

Submersible Sewerage Pump (Q3)

Tamil Nadu Tenders

Bid Value : INR NO

Bid Before : 2024-10-31

16 Days to go

  • Medical Health And Family Welfare Department Uttar Pradesh

Refrigerated Centrifuge For General And Research Purpose (Q3)

Tamil Nadu Tenders

Bid Value : INR NO

Bid Before : 2024-10-30

15 Days to go

  • Department Of Agricultural Research And Education

Refrigerated Micro - Centrifuge (Q2)

Tamil Nadu Tenders

Bid Value : INR NO

Bid Before : 2024-10-28

13 Days to go

  • Ministry Of Railways

Electrolyte Analyzers (V2) (Q2)

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Tenders notice alerts
Tender Notice Alerts

Tenderdiary track more than 2 Million Tenders annually. As a subscriber you’ll get access to all...

Tenders pre qualification terms
Pre Qualification Terms

Tenderdiary also captures pre qualification conditions as specified in tender document, provided...

Tenders documents
Tender Documents

Tenderdiary also downloads tender documents if same can be downloaded from website...

Tenders consortium partner
Consortium Partner

Tenderdiary also downloads tender documents if same can be downloaded from website...

Tenders sub contracting
Sub Contracting

If yours is a SME firm, which does not meet the pre qualification terms & still wish to be participate in...

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Tendering Statistic

You can also get weekly, monthly, quarterly & yearly reports on Tendering happening across...

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Upcoming Exhibitions

Tenderdiary tracks thousands of exhibitions planned across India. Whether you are exhibitor...

Tenders digital certificate
Digital Certificates

Many government bodies have switched to eTendering, eAuctions, Reverse Auctions, etc...

Tenders eprocurement eauction
eProcurement/ eAuction

We also offer complete eProcurement & eAuction solutions which are retailed...

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